Photo: Lindsey Thoeng
Me preparando pro Outono
Não me entenda errado, eu amo o verão e se pudesse prolongaria ele o máximo possível. Mas que logo logo o outono vai estar ai é inevitável. Então aceitei o convite da Century 21 de montar um look usando alguma peça da loja que super combine com a moda Outono.
Um acessório que eu quero usar bastante na próxima temporada é o “neck scarf” que é esse lencinho que estou usando no pescoço nessas fotos. Lá na Century 21 ele tem vários um mais lindo que o outro. Esse que eu estou usando é da Vince Camuto mas eles também tem outros da Moschino que eu quero muito comprar. Pra quem não conhece a Century 21 é uma loja que vende peças de estilistas famosos por um preço mais acessível (tipo outlet).
E ai escolhi também essa camisa porque gostei da mistura de ter mangas compridas com os ombros de fora. Bem ideal pra essa época de transição de estações.
Algumas peças similares:
Bikini jeans
I love when I’m having an easy morning and I’m able to meet Lindsey for lunch around her work. Our schedules are so different that we don’t get to spend as much time together as we wish, so whenever we have a chance to squeeze in a little QT for ourselves we do it.
Now during the summer, one of our favorite things to do is to bike around the city. Lindsey just upgraded her bike to a Vanmoof, which is the dopest electrified and smart bike ever created, and on the day we took these photos we were riding it near the UN building in Midtown east.
I was wearing my new favorite high waisted black jeans from Mott & Bow, which are so comfortable that I can even bike wearing them, I got my bodysuit at Zara during a sale and I wear it all the time (I listed a few similar down below), my rockstar sunnies from Yves Saint Laurent, and my new watch that goes with me EVERYWHERE since I got it a few weeks ago. It is part of the Swatch’s new Skin collection in which all the models are super thin. That makes the watches pretty light and flexible, so you can wear it all the time doing any kind of activity. I wear mine when I go to work, meet my friends, go shopping, and biking (duh!).
As I am writing this post I realized how summer it’s going by so fast and soon I won’t be able to enjoy biking anymore [insert crying emoji here]. So I better start enjoying it as much as I can. What about you? What kind of activity is making you happy this summer?